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Monday, 26 August 2019

Mix CD #47 - Return From Cybertron

Hello and welcome to the 47th blog! One that is graced by the beautiful, wrathful visages of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus*!

As I said in my last Facebook post, that about 14 people saw, this is and isn't a themed mix. As the opening track is quite clearly a song about Transformers, I thought I'd see if any other songs I was planning on using had any geeky themes or titles and bung them on this mix too, much like I did with Mix 39 - Kid In The 80's.

As it is, maybe about half of the songs kind of fit the theme this time, though some only vaguely and in title alone. I'd have a put a bit more effort into it if I was doing a full themed mix but I'm not so I didn't. Each track is an absolute banger though so don't shed too many a tear.

Like the last few mixes seem to have been, there are acts from several different countries represented. Other than the usual Usses and Ukk's, there are acts from Belgium, The Netherlands, South Africa, Greece, France, Germany, Australia, and Norway. There's good music everywhere!

I'll be starting work on the next blog soon and I guess I should be thinking about what to do for the 50th blog as that'll be here soon too. I didn't think I'd get past 10 before everyone lost interest but there's still a few of you hanging on!


* There's Topspin, Twin Twist and Whirl up there too if you're bothered.

Phantom Riffage - Return From Cybertron
Spiderbait - Shazam!
Nirvana - Mr. Moustache
Obzerv - Thought And Voice
MyNameIsJohn - Magic Candle
Bikini Kill - Suck My Left One
Things That Need To Be Fixed - Robots & Dragons
Omnerod - Ascaris
Crimson Riot - Here's the Bad News Laura (The Shake Machine Is Down)
Mos Generator - Red Canyons
Ghoultown - Drink With the Living Dead
Squares - I Need A Lot Of Love
Gygax - The Eyes Have It
Schtum - Skydiver
Moron Police - Steve Jobs Is Dead, But I'm Not
Drunktank - Army Of Darkness
XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX - March Of The Ants
MC Frontalot - Never Read The Comments
Fire Down Below - Roadburner
Young Urban Parasites - Action Man
Sellsword - Buccaneers

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