Good evening!
Here's the latest installment of Sapphire Bullets for your enjoyment, should you choose to enjoy it. There's no theme this Month, as usual, just a collection of songs I've been loving lately.
As does seem to be the growing trend with these blogs though, there are artists from a wide range of countries as far apart as Indonesia, Ukraine, Switzerland and beyond. Well, not beyond but you know what I mean. Other places and that.
This blog has taken me a while to get out due to busy real world stuff. I've been on nights during Fresher's Week so it's that's included an alarming amount of vomit (not mine), pissed up aggravations, ambulances and, at one point, the hefting of an unconscious girl. Then more vomit.
Given that I do most of my blogging on company time, it's meant I've had to do actual real work and haven't been able to abuse worktime privileges much. Hopefully, that will change and I'll get the next blog out in good time.
Cheers for reading (and listening if you listen)
The Riders - Welcome To The Real World
Robot Zombie Army - Taste The Rainbow
Isabelle Stillman - That Salinger Novel
Toxic Melons - Not In Love
The Short Fuses - The Pink
Destrage - About That
Amygdala - It Takes A Village
The Brought Low - This Ain't No Game
Clatter - Come Back
Cats In Boots - Shotgun Sally
G.L.O.S.S. - We Live
Tarja - Railroads
Black Moth - Moonbow
Lamebrain - Repulse
Incendiary - The Product Is You
Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones - Ghost
MC Lars & Mega Ran - Bartleby, The Scrivener
Skypilot - Superdupernaut
Necking - Boss
Carrying Goodness - I Don't Know You
Frozen Crows - Aeon
You can download the song HERE if you want. No pressure.